Contact and credits

The maps and this website were built by two scientists from the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) working at the research center in Avignon (INRA-PACA):

Cindy E. Morris is a plant pathologist and microbial ecologist in the Plant Pathology Research Unit.

She is moderator of the Biological Ice Nucleators web forum. This forum concerns interactions of microorganisms and other biological particles with atmospheric processes that can lead to rainfall and snowfall. On the website of this forum you can access the e-book From Grains to Rain: the link between landscape, airborne microorganisms and climate processes that gives more details about the mechanisms underlying these interactions.

You can contact Cindy Morris at: cindy.morris -at-

Samuel Soubeyrand is a statistician in the Biostatistics and Spatial Processes Research Unit.

He is interested in methods -model construction and statistical inference- allowing the investigation of questions mainly addressed in epidemiology and ecology.

You can contact Samuel at: samuel.soubeyrand -at-

C.E. Morris and S. Soubeyrand are fully responsible for the content of this website. We are greatly appreciative of the free availability of weather data from the US National Centers of Environmental Information that made the realisation of these maps possible.