BARRAX (Germany)

Hello, on this zip file you have :

Biophysical variable maps retrieved using Robust Regression on Reflectance between high resolution reflectance image and ground measurements

Description of the biophysical variable maps map file :
Samples : 252
Lines : 152
Center location : 577511.3320 E, 4323482.8100 N
Map Projection Name : UTM 30, North
Datum : WGS-84
Upper left corner : 574991.3320 E, 4325002.8100 N
Pixel Size (Easting) : 2.0000000000e+001
Pixel Size (Northing) : 2.0000000000e+001
Generic Binary array file
Data format is an unsigned integer (2 bytes)
For all variables
Map = DIGITAL COUNT / 1000
Flag Map = DIGITAL COUNT, 0= value obtained by averaging over some ESUs belonging to one class for which too few ESU were available , 1= pixel inside the strict convex hull, 2=pixel inside the large convex hull, 3= pixel outside the convex hull

Image used to determine regression coefficients : SPOTBarrax030703_5x3BareSoilTOA.bil
Image used to apply the regression : SPOTBarrax030703_5x3BareSoilTOA
Image used to apply the regression : Samples : 252
Image used to apply the regression : Lines : 271

LAI57 Map retrieved using Robust Regression on Reflectance between high resolution reflectance image and ground measurements
Image used to determine regression coefficients : SPOTBarrax030703_5x3BareSoilTOA.bil
Image used to apply the regression : SPOTBarrax030703_5x3BareSoilTOA
Image used to apply the regression : Samples : 252
Image used to apply the regression : Lines : 271

fCover Map retrieved using Robust Regression on Reflectance between high resolution reflectance image and ground measurements
Image used to determine regression coefficients : SPOTBarrax030703_5x3BareSoilTOA.bil
Image used to apply the regression : SPOTBarrax030703_5x3BareSoilTOA
Image used to apply the regression : Samples : 252
Image used to apply the regression : Lines : 271

fAPAR Map retrieved using Robust Regression on Reflectance between high resolution reflectance image and ground measurements
Image used to determine regression coefficients : SPOTBarrax030703_5x3BareSoilTOA.bil
Image used to apply the regression : SPOTBarrax030703_5x3BareSoilTOA
Image used to apply the regression : Samples : 252
Image used to apply the regression : Lines : 271