20-yrs old spruce stand on Vaccinium site
5-yrs old clear cut, young birches have been recently cut
6-yrs old clear cut with birch regeneration
40-yrs old mixed spruce and birch stand on Oxalis-Vaccinium site
50-yrs old birch dominated stand on Filipendula site
70-yrs old spruce dominated stand on Oxalis-Vaccinium site
105-yrs old pine forest on Oxalis-Vaccinium site
Clear cut on Dryopteris site
45-yrs old black alder and birch stand in fall with lot of water on ground
45-yrs old spruce stand on Oxalis-Vaccinium site, thinned in 1999
Mait looking for the next measurement point
Tõnu in reed growing on lowland mire
Hannes and Mait calibrating LAI-2000 on a clear cut
Mait and Tiit, ready to go to the next site
Preparation for a meal
Meanwhile there was time to look at the beauty of colors