DONGA (Benin)

Hello, on this zip file you have :


Data format is byte
Data Type is litlle endian (Host Intel, ENVI data type=0)
Pixels are registered by their upper left corner

Envi header file (.hdr) is available


Samples : 2001
Lines : 776
Bands : 1


Projection Name : UTM 31, North
Datum : WGS-84
Units : units=Meters
Pixel Size (Easting) : 2.0000000000e+001
Pixel Size (Northing) : 2.0000000000e+001
Upper Left Corner Easting : 346000.0000
Upper Left Corner Northing : 1088000.0000

This land cover map (2005) is derived from a series of SPOT images provided by SPOT Image, following an
agreement between SPOT image and INSU (Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers) in the framework of
the AMMA-API project.


- class 1: bare soil/urban (9%)
- class 2: crops (6.6%)
- class 3: young fallow/herbaceous (38%)
- class 4: old fallow/shrub savanna (25.3%)
- class 5: wooded savanna (12.9%)
- class 6: dense forest/gallery forest (8.2%)